Windows and Linux Installers for Qt 4.8.1

Second progress update on Qt support (see first update).

We have uploaded new installers for Qt 4.8.1 based on the Qt SDK installer.  At this time we have installers for Windows and Linux, a Mac installer is in the works:

  • Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK — Linux Installer for Qt 4.8.1 based on Qt SDK installer. Optionally installs Qt Creator beta. Uses glibc 2.14
  • Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK.exe — Windows Installer for Qt 4.8.1 based on Qt SDK installer. Optionally installs Qt Creator beta.

Please post feedback as comments to this post.

About pelegri

Retired Software Engineer
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19 Responses to Windows and Linux Installers for Qt 4.8.1

  1. Pingback: Qt Update – 4.8 Binaries and PlayBook QPA Plugin at Gitorious | Open BB News

  2. pelegri says:

    See this relevant comment to the first update

  3. Ryan says:

    Great! This will be really useful. Thanks for making these installers available.

  4. Jon Heron says:

    Thanks for the pb Qt SDK!
    I have not played with it too much yet but here are some initial comments/experience I had with linux.
    I am running Fedora16_64bit with the Gnome3 desktop. I am using the latest tablet NDK and am running the latest OS on my pb.
    The SDK would not install until I removed the “source /home/jon/bbndk/” from the .bashrc file (was needed for the old port).
    This SDK install pooped on my existing QtSDK (1.2), so I can not have both SDK’s working simultaneously.
    I had to edit lines 11, 12 & 17 in the qmake.conf file for the SDK to point to the actual path of the conf files it was looking for, eg: on line 11 I had to add this “include(/home/jon/QtPlaybookSDK/Playbook/Qt/4.8.1/mkspecs/common/g++-unix.conf)” instead of the “include(../common/g++-unix.conf)” path that was there by default.
    Then I was able to build, deploy and install a simple hello world qml app generated by the SDK wizard onto my playbook. However its not working, here is the application output in the SDK after clicking the mouse area:
    “Signal QDeclarativeEngine::quit() emitted, but no receivers connected to handle it.”
    This is probably something simple, but I have to go to work now so wont be able to look into it until later…
    Thanks for all the hard work!

    • Andy says:

      Thank you for trying the installer.

      The check for the bbndk-env was inserted, because there are issues when installing QNX SDP and Blackberry NDK at the same time. The QNX SDP adds the env to the .bashrc. So this was added to make the user experience better.

      It is strange that the relative path does not work for you in the mkspec. I havent heart from that problem, and it seems that many other distros don’t have the issue. Tested was ubuntu/opensuese/arch linux, and there it worked. Does qmake -query show the right paths?

      The QML question i cannot answer, sry.

      • Jon Heron says:

        Thanks for the reply Andy!
        Perhaps it may be a good idea to add a note to the error message in the installer that the source path needs to be removed from the .bashrc file, it took me quite awhile to figure out that that was the problem.
        Here is what the qmake -query has to offer:
        [jon@jonnysLaptop ~]$ /home/jon/QtPlaybookSDK/Playbook/Qt/4.8.1/bin/qmake -query
        What’s strange, at least to me, is the first line: QNX_STAGE:/home/jon/Qt_pb/stage/nto
        The Qt_pb path is where I built the original port from github. Any ideas why or where this is being set?
        I have still not figured out why qml is not working, I tried building the latest Qt4.8.1 from git and pointed the SDK at it with the same results, no qml joy… It does still work fine from the original port though, just not from this SDK.
        Keep up the good work!

      • Jon Heron says:

        I tried porting a widget based app this morning and it works great from the SDK.
        I notice there is an option under “add file” menu to add the pb bar descriptor file too!
        Nice work!
        Has anyone had any success with qml using the SDK?

  5. hape says:

    I installed the Windows SDK and deployed the first Qt project. Installation, Qt library integration and build process works fine. I could not figure out, how to build for playbook simulator …

    When deploying ot the playbook there seems to be an error in the packager command. The packager ignores the debug token, so the deployment has to be performed by command line tools. Doins so, I was able to deploy the application.


  6. Martin says:

    I downloaded the Windows installer and installed the optional Creator. It seems to work (I can build and run HelloWorld on my Playbook) but I keep seeing this compile warning from every file that includes :
    c:/Apps/QtPlaybookSDK/Playbook/Qt/4.8.1/include/QtCore/qstring.h:84: note: the mangling of ‘va_list’ has changed in GCC 4.4

    What is wrong / what do I need to do to fix this?

    • Sean says:

      That is a benign warning and is already solved upstream. The next release of the SDK should not suffer from this warning. For now please just ignore it or if you wish to silence it then you can edit the mkspecs/common/qcc-base.conf file such that the first non-comment line reads:

      QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Wno-psabi


  7. Clay says:

    How to you run the linux installer? I’m familiar with linux and did the usual chmod +x Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK, then ./Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK and it says “cannot execute binary file”.

    What am I missing?

  8. Pushpendra says:

    I’m not able to install SDK on Ubuntu 11.10, it says can not execute binary

    • Jiang Yang says:

      I have same problem, maybe Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit?

      by following command, it said the file is 64-bit LSB executable
      # file Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK
      Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, not stripped

    • Jiang Yang says:

      Since Ubuntu 11.10 includes glibc 2.13 instead of 2.14, and I dont know how to install glibc 2.14 on Ubuntu 11.10. Anybody know? thanks.

      I end up to install SDK on Fedora16 Desktop 64bit(as Jon Heron suggest) which includes glibc 2.14, using Fedora Desktop 16 64 bit live CD to install on hard disk.

  9. Pushpendra says:

    Does on Windows QtSDK requires perl to be installed as i’m compiling it giving me error ‘perl’ not found (something like that)

  10. LeandroAl says:

    Dear Pelegri and others,
    I’m trying to install Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK on linux, but I’m getting the following error:

    ./Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14′ not found (required by ./Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK)

    Although I understand the error, I don’t know how to fix this, I mean, how can I install GLIBC 2.14 without affect my current system settings. In fact, why don’t compile the installer linking the libraries statically so that we will not have this kind of problem?


  11. LeandroAl says:

    # ./Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK
    ./Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14′ not found (required by ./Qt-4_8_0-PlaybookSDK)

    How to solve this problem? Why don’t release the installer with statically linked libraries? this will avoid this kind of problem.


  12. Mario says:

    Works great on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit (with 32 bit libs installed). Any chance, in the future, that unused components aren’t bundled in the .bar. Currently a two file QML app (max 4k) takes 80Mb.

  13. alex347 says:

    I can’t install Windows SDK. Installer gives me the following error:
    Error during installation process (com.rim.sdk.misc.vcredist_x86):
    Execution failed(Unexpected exit code: 5100): ” … \QTPlaybookSDK\vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe”

    I’ve got bbndk-2.0.1.

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